Friday, September 18, 2009

Obama's Defensive Plan


   Today, Obama discussed the issue of protecting of American soil. He announced that he no longer supported the long-ranged missiles which were to be situated in Poland and the Czech Republic. Instead, Obama proposed a new strategy in defending our homeland. The president reasoned that a short-range missile defense system, consisting of land and sea based censors and interceptors would be more helpful. The reason that Obama is replacing the old version of our defense system is mainly to defend against possible missiles from Iran. He believes that by placing interceptors closer would be less expensive, and prove to be better defense than a long-ranged system. The proposed long-range missile defense system was part of the Bush-era, which Russia strongly disagreed to. Former president Bush's plan received strong support from the government of the potential host countries. A survey showed otherwise, seventy percent of citizens living in Czech and Poland opposed his plan. Obama's new plan includes three stages. First, the Pentagon will deploy Navy Aegis ships equipped with SM-3 interceptors with sensors will give the military the ability to defend our infrastructure. After deploying into the sea, the next step is to upgrade existing SM-3's in allied countries with SM-3 Block 1B with airborne sensors which, in turn will increase the area covered threefold. The last phase of Obama's plan is to upgrade a more advanced system of the SM-3 (called the SM-3 Block 2) will supposedly cover the "entire land mass of Europe." Of course it also includes the United States.

     Obama's new plan for a better, yet more economically sound missile system we be great since, other countries are against Bush's plan.  President Obama is clearly trying to adapt to the current economy, while still being able to create a much more effective system. Besides that, he also takes into account, what the people have to say about his plans and tries input all their opinions into this matter. Separating this process into three parts is very smart so if we build  a little of the defense system, and some problems come up we won't be wasting more resources than needed

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