Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Vampires and McDonalds?...and China!

Vampires, McDonalds, and China. I don't really want to write about one thing this week so I'm just combing all sorts of crap together like these three things.

So like over the past few months I've noticed A LOT of freaking movies, T.V shows about vampires. It is kind of annoying actually. There’s like vampire diaries or whatever and there’s that annoying what it called. Um. New Moon? I think vampires are being an overused a little bit too much. And all those people who are like screaming and shit when the movie came out. Of course all of this gives McDonald's and all the other fast food chains something to give to little kids. The cheap little plastic toys from China depicting what’s his face in the movie and the other guy. Maybe that’s why these fast food places are such a big success. Our generation is like obese and unmotivated. Wait... that sounds like me except the obese part.

Anyways fans of these movies- e.g. girls buy happy meals or whatever Ryan said and then McDonalds gets muchos dineros (a lot of money)! Seriously we Americans are so spoiled. Ahahaha...complaining about what we don’t have and stuff like that. (I'm such a hypocrite ^o^)

Woohoo depending on foreign countries for the win! I think its just so sad how like all this stuff is coming into the country but like we aren't exporting anything. I think... See? I don't even know what our country exports and I live here!! Maybe it's just me. Almost everything I see around me today is like made in CHINA. I don't remember ever seeing anything made in the U.S that’s how freaking dependent we are on imported goods.

I don't even know why I’m writing like this and about all this stupid crap. I think it's because it's like right before lunch and I just get so tired in English class. I don't know why I just can’t concentrate in that class. Kind of weird...

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