Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Writing Groups

     I don't really know what I would want to get out of working with peer just yet. I have some ideas about what I might get from group work. Like people just helping each other out with writers block when we get stuck. I'd also like it if the groups could give each other ideas. I think I would be pretty good at reading other peoples drafts and telling them what needs more work and what's good. I wouldn't recommend the option of finding books for other people since it would be difficult to know what they would prefer. I'm also pretty good at editing and proofing. Ok so know I know exactly what my choice is. I would rather work with my friends or people that I know versus working with people I know less. It's because I'm more comfortable working with them and it's easier for me to talk to them rather than someone else. Also if people are thinking about the same ideas as me, we might end up writing about the same things.       For the guidelines, I have a vague idea what Mr. Sutherland is trying to get at. Like maybe people should choose the same or different books. I think it is very important that everyone in that group should give help. I've been in groups where some people just sit there and do nothing.

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