Friday, February 12, 2010


Meh I don't rally have anything to talk about this week, my mind is just like......Bleh. But really I just spent like five minutes just sitting here. I still can't think of ANYTHING to write about. Not much has happened this week. I had a history project that I had to do so I couldn't really do anything else on top of my pre-cal homework. I don't really like math, I never understand it and I think I'm like the only one... Hahaha.... I mean it would be great to not worry about math. But it will always be a shadow over me. Great..... ._. Now I'm starting to say random things.... Eh what's up with all this dumbass commercials? They've either been done a hundred times are they're just plain stupid. I mean there's this commercial with a woman that's "depressed" and she's talking about having to wind herself up all the time. I mean what the hell does a wind up doll have to do with depression. Oh yea I just thought of about some others. Ok. Here we go! There's those stupid annoying ass hell head on commercials. Yea we get it. You put it on your forehead. Oh another one of my favorite most hated commercials are the ones with some celebrity telling some people that saying "gay" is bad. Like some girls are looking at clothes and one comments "that's so gay" and then god knows which celebrity came out of nowhere. She thens says " you shouldn't say gay, would you like someone to say, that's so... Girl in a skirt." I mean do they really think that that's really going to affect us? Yea so I don't have much to say. Well I do have other commercials but it's like 11:55 right now and I can't type fast enough on my iPod so that's the end of my blog for this week.

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