Friday, February 26, 2010

something interesting

I read a very interesting Blog post. Apparently some guy was super crazy and went on a rampage. So in the beginning, way before all of this happened, this man was the owner of a muffler shop. His name was Marvin Heemeyer, a former soldier but now a muffler repair man. His friends and family stated that he was violatile in personality if he was mad and that he was being mistreated by the justice system. Even though he spent years attending protests, petitions, and town meetings, the thing that pushed him over the edge was when the Docheff family offered to buy his property. Heemeyer wasn't angry or anything but his inability to make a final decision on the selling price led to the beginning of this devastating event. The buyers of his plant decided to go to the city council to get a rezoning request approved. Even though Marvin attended the meetings and everything, the final decision of the council was to approve the rezoning request and then to add insult to injury, they fined him for the junk cars scattered throughout his yard. Even with all these odds against him, Marvin perservered. He even tried to comply with the city's ruling, offering to install sewer pipes underneath the concrete plant's land. The owners denied him access and cut off the route to his shop. Again Marvintried to compensate by renting a bulldozer to pave a route to his shop which the city ultimately denied. This led to rumors of corruption or the like of it, the plant cooperating with the city.
The revenge begins. After trying all possible solutions to his dilemma, Marvin finally loses his patience and begins work on the the deadly killdozer. Marvin used the Komatsu D335A bulldozer as his vehicle of choice. Over the span of one and a half years, Marvin spent all of his resources working to complete the last task he would ever do. He started by adding home-made composite armor–cement sandwiched between thick sheets of steel–to protect the cab, engine, and parts of the tracks. He installed front and rear cameras to feed images to monitors in the cab, and several gun ports were set around the control center. A stockpile of food and water was stored inside, as well as an air tank to help provide air circulation. On June fourth, a Friday Marvin sets his plan in motion. He used the winch controls to lower the concrete and steel shell onto the top of his vehicle. Nothing short of a crane would be able to lift the thirty-ton armor shell off the vehicle once it was in place. With that fateful metal clap, Heemeyer was sealed in a concrete and steel box that he could never escape and drove off to fulfill his duty. He drove to a list of targets destroying them while authorities tried with no effect, to stop this mechanical behemoth. The concrete tank destroyed everything in it's path until it was stopped by a shallow basement. Heemeyer, with no other choice killed himself, leaving the impression that a man can be pushed beyond his patience, and do drastic actions. And in the end, the rampage lasted 2 hours 7 minutes, and caused about $7 million in damage.

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