Friday, February 5, 2010

Death and it's iron grip on life

So I don't really have time to write this since I just forgot about it until the last second. I guess today I'll talk about the universe. Sometimes I just start thinking about the universe and what may be in it. Like just randomly, in a car, watching tv anywhere. It's usually when I'm all by myself and it's very quiet. I start thinking about what's in the universe and the human population and stuff like that. It isn't really specifically the humans that I'm thinking about our life now. As we all know is pretty good. But we take it for granted. I read in like newsweek about probably the biggest crisis the human populace has ever or will ever face. I have to say.. Admitting this is not easy for me. Whenever I think about these things I get really creeped out. I can't really explain it well. It's like this have you ever thought about life and what happens after you die? Like is it just total darkness and then it's just empty.
And then another thing, what will happen to the memories of this life. If you do get reincarnated, will you know what your former was vaguely about? If when you die.. I can't think about like what the earth and it's inhabitants will face when I die. Or when the fucking world gets cremated by our sun.... What will happen then? If the human race is extinguished... Wouldn't the universe be any less different? And then noone to remember us. As I am writing this, my heart beats rapidly and I feel panicked.. I guess.. I don't want to die so that I can see what the future will be like. With all these fascinating technological wonders and what will happen to our ways of life, the environment, races, animals, water, food, and climate

I am afraid of Death. But if I must... I will go with as much courage as I can muster

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