Friday, February 19, 2010

What's up?

            Ha-ha. So this week, I couldn’t think of anything to blog about...again. So I spent a couple minutes just browsing through people’s blogs, seeing what they wrote about. There didn’t seem to be much to talk about and I was getting kind of worried. Then an idea slapped me across the face. I went to Google and typed in “interesting stuff.” You would be amazed at the stuff you end up getting when you search something so simple.

            Sorry if you already knew this, but I don’t so deal with it. Apparently, there’s this substance called Aerogel. It is basically like I guess you could say Styrofoam but it’s kind of transparent and stronger. Someone defines Aerogel 99.8% air and is made by high temperature and pressure-critical-point drying of a gel composed of colloidal silica structural units filled with solvent. The resulting silica dioxide structure is sponge like with micro porosity on a nanometer scale. (No idea what it means). Aerogel looks like something that was badly photo shopped into a picture because it just seems all fuzzy. This stuff is so cool; I mean something that weighs almost nothing, but can still hold four thousand times its own weight is pretty awesome. It looks like you’re holding a piece of light. I wouldn’t mind having some but some of them can be toxic or like irritants.  But Aerogel is really expensive. I think you can get it from eBay, and it would set you back around eighty dollars for 0.8 grams of the stuff. NASA uses aerogels for their space suits because it like excellent at insulating. They also use it to trap space dust. I don’t know what space dust is but I know that the dust vaporizes when it hits solids and passes through gas, but gets caught in aerogel.

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