Thursday, March 25, 2010

LC Letter 3

So this is the last literature circle that my group is going to write for this book. haha...HAHAHAA!!! I'm so glad, I hate writing these things. I find it difficult to write these blogs about a book after reading it. I have to say though, The last section of Patient Zero was the best part (pfft of course it is, it's the end of the book duh!). I really like how Maberry just wraps everything up so neatly, tieing off the loose ends. Now I don't want
to go into detail and spoil everything which I usually do.. -.- What I don't really get is the ending of the book. It just suddenly goes to these people. I thought that Joe Ledger would have been included at the very end which wasn't true apparently. And I would like to revisit what I said in an earlier post when I said that Joe was absorbed in his own world, well he is REALLY absorbed. whenever he not talking with someone he's all talking to himself. Even with all the surprises and the little "oh! Whoa! I didn't expect that!" moments, I thought that the things Maberry puts at the end really just makes this one of those books that gives you all this action and gets even better throughout the book until the very end. As with my previous blog, i still that some parts of the story just brings to flow of things to a grinding halt which I don't like when reading a book. Things like his attention to detail like describing to people prion diseases. Let me borrow something from alvins post. Parts like "Prions are neurodegenerative diseases called transmissible spongiform encephalopathies...sometimes you see it occurring as a result of cornea or dura mater transplants, or in the administration of human-derived pituitary growth hormones...they are not compatible according to what we know of modern transgenics---or they've found a way to alter the chemistry of the body to cause artificial hibernation...Once the victim is in hibernation this disease cluster reorganizes the functioning matrix of the body. It somehow uses fatal familial insomnia protein to wake the victim up again and keep them awake." really just bore me sometimes.

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