Wednesday, March 10, 2010

LC Letter

Well the book Patient Zero is very interesting. Mainly because I chose the book. I don't annotate at all because I can't concentrate very well. It's impossible for me to read and write at the same time. Even if I stop and start writing, I find it difficult to write anything at all. I remember when I used to annotate in middle school and the annotations never really helped me out. The book is filled with action, but there are some parts in Part One of the book where things slow down a bit which gets really boring after reading through something exciting. At first when I looked at this book's cover , it looked like a story about a patient who kills people. After reading the first part of the book, I was just thinking.. This book is good! The author just drops you into the middle of everything and for a second, you're all confused since you have no idea what's happening. The beginning starts off with the important information, skipping all the boring parts that a lot of other books have. The grabber of the story draws you in because it's about the FBI. Who wouldn't want to know what's happening when the FBI are involved? While I was reading section one, I suddenly realized that Joe Ledger, the main character tends to think to himself. Like he's talking to himself in his head. I was so absorbed in this book that I couldn't even remember who the characters names were. In my opinion the story so far doesnt have a lot of action. But when there is, it's very descriptive. It's like your playing a game, and your watching other people fight through a third person camera. Also sometimes the descriptions describe something to the tiniest detail. Like when Joe was eating an Oreo cookie, he took apart the cookie, then ate the filling and then ate the outer cookie. Overall I really enjoyed the story so far.

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