Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Memory of Earth: Part 3

     The third part of "The Memory of Earth" is just as boring to me as the other two sections. My God... it’s a freaking sleep aid. I...I can't read any more... it’s just so plain. By the time I got to section three, I pretty much knew what was going to happen. There are I think five other volumes continuing this story... what is he going to write about? I seriously cannot read the others. This is probably the only book I wouldn't want to read. As the story advances, Nafai and his brothers are forced into situations where both paths of the roads are dangerous. Along the way they just keep going over the same things. How Nafai or one of his brothers does something that he has already done before. It's just so repetitive. The parts describing the women being more powerful than men in politics, reverse roles have already come up several times, yet Nafai still seems to be puzzled whenever he meets a woman... During certain parts of the book, while I was reading about something awkward happening to the characters, I would put the book down and just stop reading awhile and go take a nap. I just have so many pet peeves and one of them has to do with reading about an awkward situation. The biggest problem of all is that fact that there are so many small conflicts in the book. It’s alright to have a few here and there, but so many all together, plus the major conflict of the book makes it hard for me to follow each one. The storyline skips around to one conflict, and then another one from another point of view, instead of several conflicts organized so that I don’t have to remind myself what’s happening.

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