Friday, April 16, 2010

Why are you reading this? Just Cause.....2

A new game was released not so long ago. Just Cause 2, which is a sandbox game, aka a free- roaming game. Similar to the Grand Theft Auto series if you're into that genre. Just Cause 2 follows largely in the footsteps of its predecessor, so if you played the first one you can skip to the next paragraph. You play as James Bond/ Batman, aka Rico Rodriguez. He's a specialist in regime change and jumping off things that are quite high up, so that's what the whole game is going to be based off of and what you're going to be doing. He's off to Panau, where your bosses ( I'm assuming that he is working for the CIA) are unhappy about the new president. They're also unhappy with the fact that his old mentor, Tom Sheldon (who is like the most American man you would ever meet. ) is looking like he's gone rogue and may have defected. Rico's job? Find and if needed, exterminate the target.
So Square Enix has supplied you with a grappling hook, which the in-game advice tells you there are lots of uses for. There's the obvious – latching on to things and reeling yourself in to either get up high or just move about a bit quicker. You can also use it to get yourself a bit of speed up and then use your parachute, gliding serenely across the landscape a darn site faster than you would plodding along on your two little legs. This technique is known as slingshotting (pretty cool huh?).
The missions themselves offer up a good amount of variety. There aren't as many of them as you'd perhaps like, but the assorted base captures, hijacks, race-against-time missions and everything else stops things from getting boring. They also offer up some good set piece play. Riding a bike straight off a cliff so you can parachute onto a limo, take control of it then drive it straight through several roadblocks is very cool.
Now with a massive location and a ton of action going on you may wonder if the graphics are up to par, and I was very impressed by the jungle locales in the game. I am used to a lot of jankiness in sandbox games, but this is remarkably solid and looks lush with falling trees and the great explosions. Though you won’t want to get too distracted by the beautiful sights on the island as you are more than likely to run into some Panau government agentswho will take great pleasure in blasting you to bits. Sadly the gunfights are a low point in the game. The AI have incredible accuracy, forcing you to stay behind cover, but this is not a major problem when there are more fun and inventive ways to take out your foes.

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