Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Part Two: The Memory of Earth

Alright, I have completed the next section of "The Memory of Earth". The book is starting to make sense to me now. I understand a lot about the people living on this planet called Harmony. It is a weird feeling, reading about a world where women run the place and men don't. To start off, the four brothers Elemak, Mebbekew, Nafai, and Issib are part of some plan of the oversoul and disrupts the flow of daily life in Basilica where they live. I needed to reread some parts of the book because of things like this. It is very difficult to follow sometimes because of the way the book is written I'm guessing. Within the second paper clip, much more gruesome and horrifying acts and events pop up than the preceding section. As I read more, and the events unfold, things become clearer but problems also keep arising too. There is a noticeable difference in word choice and the descriptions used. Actually, quite a bit has changed since the beginning of the story. Where there once was trust, is now replaced with contempt, corruption, and envy. I find that The Memory if Earth is confusing now because I haven't read about that yeti thing on the cover of the book. There are also some things I wonder about now. For instance, how come these people have a supercomputer, sattelites, hovering chairs, laser swords (or something like that) but their ways of living are pretty primitive. They use camels and caravans and things like that. How can they have such advanced technology but still live like that. This quetions keeps popping up as I said before and it hasn't been answered yet. The book is getting kind of interesting now because there's some gore and things like that.

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