Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Part One: The Memory of Earth

Well, I've just finished reading the first section of "The Memory Of Earth" by Orson Scott. The toughest part of reading a new book is The transition from the action packed book, "Patient Zero" that contained the usual zombies in a post-apocalyptic world to a more subtle and laid back genre. When I first noticed what Alvin had chosen, I was of course skeptical. I took one glance at the cover and wondered to myself whether this book was worth reading or not. The cover in general was a tad intriguing. The cover portrays a quiet scene that emits a sense of serenity. Two boys, one in some sort of hovering device are strolling through a marketplace if some sort while merchants are setting up shop. Unfortunately that's not what intrigues me. It is the fact that a gargantuan beast of perhaps a form of yeti is part of the scene. From what
I have read so far, this story takes place in a desert on not Earth, but a whole different planet called Harmony. I never knew it but I am surprised by the contrast between the old ways doing things, things like camels and caravans mixing together with futuristic features like "floats" which are like things that permit the disabled to move freely and without restraint.
I'm not very impressed by this so far but I'll give it a chance since it is just the beginning or the book after all. Everything is very misleading with the Oversoul being a computer that helps control humans and I find that hard to comprehend. It reminds me of our in class discussions of the human race starting to become attached to technology. The Memory of Earth looks pretty interesting and all but I just can't get interested in it enough.

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