Friday, May 14, 2010

Hidden Water

It's clear, pristine and refreshing. Soothing and necessary, and it makes up almost three quarters of the Earth. It is water, and all life depends on it. Without it is without life, with it there is survival. But only a miniscule portion of that can actually sustain life. We humans alone use up so much of the Earth's resources that other life organisms can barely hang onto existence and in many cases have already died off yet everyone, including me, are still abusing what we have. I've seen some people at school who do stupid stupid things like jamming a faucet so that it runs continuously. Little things like this drains us and every other life form of potential survival. Sure there are groups of people who try and sometimes succeed to improve our way of living, but there has to be more, maybe we will not be able to stop the catastrophe waiting just over the hill. Face it, we are all greedy, inconsiderate hypocrites. We are basically killing what we need to survive. The Earth the home of the the human race will die into a lifeless drifting planet, turning into one of the other billions of uninhabited planets, all because of us.
You may never stop to think about it. Regular everyday things. Everyday items such as jeans or a cup of coffee. Oh you say, it's just a venti six pump hazelnut, ten pump vanilla extra mocha drizzle cappuccino. Nothing much. Well think about this. A cup of coffee takes thirty seven gallons of water to make. And those favorite pair of jeans? Oh nothing much, just two thousand nine hundred gallons of water to produce.
The term virtual water is the amount of water used to create a product that we the consumers don't see when we buy something. Our population is so over populated that we have started to waste water unnecessarily. That steak your eating, one thousand eight hundred fifty seven gallons of water down the drain. During class, we learned about global warming and what cows had to do with it. America in its own right is a major consumer of meat products that we probably have billions of cows to meet our " McDonalds" craving, or steak. These cows produce so much methane that it surpasses the carbon dioxide levels of emissions from cars and such. Another big issue about this is that we use up unbelievable amounts of water to jeep these animals alive before we kill and consume them. I just have one more fact to share with you. Imagine a farm of cows. If it takes eight hundred eight thousand, four hundred gallons of water for pastures, feed and hay, six thousand three hundred for drinking, and one thousand nine hundred for hygiene for stables and farmyards, add up the data. That's right it takes eight hundred sixteen thousand, six hundred gallons of water. And guess what? That eight hundred sixteen thousand, six hundred gallons of water is used for the entire life of ONE cow. Imagine that and multiply that by a billion and see how much water we use. With that thought, my blog post ends.

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