Friday, May 7, 2010

Not so long ago, maybe a year or two ago, I fell in love with zombies (no not like that!). I was just crazy. The first real hands-on experience I had was reading a book called Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks. Although it was in the humor sections of the books, the content of the book was extremely detailed and I could have believed that it would help me in case of any undead surprise attacks. Over the years I've been reading many a horror stories with zombies. From World War Z by Max Brooks, to Patient Zero by Jonathan Maberry, I've grown into them I guess. I remember the first time I actually saw a zombie was in the game RESIDENT EVIL I or II (I think it's Resident Evil). My cousins were playing and they told me that if I watched them play, I would get nightmares. But of course I stayed and watched them, which was not a very bright choice since I was about seven around that time. It isn't as clear to me as it was before, but I remember a train and then a man sitting in the abandoned train, and my cousin's in-game character walked over to the man, and then all of a sudden the man's neck just rips open and a stream of bugs come out of it. Ever since that day I've been sort of afraid of the dark and I hate myself for watching my cousin play that game. Even though I am pretty freaked out about all that, I still love zombie games such as Resident Evil 5 and Left 4 Dead 2 because they aren't as hardcore scary as their predecessors. Seriously, even though graphics have improved and there are more ideas, the old games were way scarier than today's modern genre of horror. Anyone who has ever played the first or second resident evil would most likely agree with what I'm saying.
Now that I've got that out of the way the rest of my blog post is devoted to a mini review of Left 4 Dead 2: The Passing which is a DLC (Download-able Content) on the Xbox360 which is already OUT. In The Passing, players will meet up with the original Left 4 Dead's survivors, Francis, Bill, Zoey and Louis, who will appear as non-playable characters and I was so bummed out about this because...I wanted to play as Bill. In the new campaign, there will be one new uncommon common infected type, which Valve is calling the Fallen Survivor. These new zombies, were formerly survivors like the main characters of Left 4 Dead 2, but were infected later on. And with fallen survivors, everyone knows that they would have had some items on them meaning that they will sometimes drop items when killed, like health kits or ammo. In addition to the fallen survivor, another witch has been added to Left 4 Dead 2. This witch, who is not different from the original witch I believe, is just a regular witch in a wedding dress. That concludes my blog and I hope I didn’t bore you too much.

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