Wednesday, December 16, 2009


      So I'm reading this book called Leviathan for these reading logs our class is supposed to be writing. First of all i didn't really know what the book was about at first. All I did was go to the borders website during lab and I looked at the first book I saw and decided to buy it. When I bought it, it was like cool. The cover was all shiny and like there were pictures of machinery and things like that. There was also like a map and at first I was like whhattttt?. There were animals incorporated into the map. I definetely recommend people to read this book even though it has like these gigantic words and pictures. ( I like the pictures).
     It’s the summer of 1914 during the Great War and Eastern Europe is rife with tension. The story starts out with a boy who is Aleksander Ferdinand, the heir to the Austria-Hungarian throne. Two men, Count Volger and Otto Klopp appear to him in the middle of the night. They convince him to go with them on a "piloting lesson." After being kidnapped by these two men that Alek trusted for most of his life, he discovers that his parents were assassinated in Serbia with poison. He learns that someone wants to start a war between the two powerful factions, Clankers (Clankers depend on mechanics and steam power, man-made machines with legs that mimic animals and firepower that rivals the creative weaponry and biotechnology of their rivals.) and the Darwinists (Darwinists are inspired by Charles Darwin and his Theory of Evolution. I think. They use animal-like animals that have had their DNA changed for war and such.) (Under Construction next will be better since I will have  my book)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Vampires and McDonalds?...and China!

Vampires, McDonalds, and China. I don't really want to write about one thing this week so I'm just combing all sorts of crap together like these three things.

So like over the past few months I've noticed A LOT of freaking movies, T.V shows about vampires. It is kind of annoying actually. There’s like vampire diaries or whatever and there’s that annoying what it called. Um. New Moon? I think vampires are being an overused a little bit too much. And all those people who are like screaming and shit when the movie came out. Of course all of this gives McDonald's and all the other fast food chains something to give to little kids. The cheap little plastic toys from China depicting what’s his face in the movie and the other guy. Maybe that’s why these fast food places are such a big success. Our generation is like obese and unmotivated. Wait... that sounds like me except the obese part.

Anyways fans of these movies- e.g. girls buy happy meals or whatever Ryan said and then McDonalds gets muchos dineros (a lot of money)! Seriously we Americans are so spoiled. Ahahaha...complaining about what we don’t have and stuff like that. (I'm such a hypocrite ^o^)

Woohoo depending on foreign countries for the win! I think its just so sad how like all this stuff is coming into the country but like we aren't exporting anything. I think... See? I don't even know what our country exports and I live here!! Maybe it's just me. Almost everything I see around me today is like made in CHINA. I don't remember ever seeing anything made in the U.S that’s how freaking dependent we are on imported goods.

I don't even know why I’m writing like this and about all this stupid crap. I think it's because it's like right before lunch and I just get so tired in English class. I don't know why I just can’t concentrate in that class. Kind of weird...

Friday, November 20, 2009


So today we had a substitute for Mr. Sutherlands class. Everyone was just so loud and it was really annoying. I don't get why some people can't just shut up for like two or three minutes... Sometimes I just get really pissed of when a teacher or a substitute tells everyone to be quiet and everyone just keeps talking. Anyways like some people in our class were really annoying today. They were rude and loud. I can’t really think of the words I want to say but its just like a feeling or something..I dun no. I don’t see why some people act that way. They might think they are funny and stuff and they probably are to some people but I just think they look like fools. They do all this random shit. I’ve seen people smash keyboards and talk back to the teacher/substitute which just gets them in more trouble. Just shut the hell up and pay attention. When those certain people do things like that they just get everyone else who is paying attention into trouble. Most substitutes, will write a note or something like that to the teacher on the class’s behavior. They just take into account the behavior of those one or two idiots acting like dumbasses. Then everyone gets in trouble even if they were doing their work. I just hate how people just talk over the teacher. I mean can’t they hear the teacher? What the hell… sometimes I just think those people are mentally retarded.. I get so mad. I just blogged about this because it was really bugging me because it happened it class today. I just wanted to blog about it since I always see these kinds of things happening. I have a lot of pet peeves…Sorry for boring you.

Friday, November 6, 2009

New Statement Of Purpose

     Whoopeee... I have to write about why I'm blogging.. again. In my first statement of purpose. I said that I would write about food and gaming and things like that but I don't think that will happen anytime soon. There aren't many games worthwhile to blog about anyways.. Food.. there isn't enough for me to blog about since I don't eat different things.  I have noticed that I've been writing a lot about the environment so I think I'm gonna focus more on technology. Maybe. I haven't really gotten into the swing of things. I keep forgetting to finish my blog posts on time. Well.. there hasn't been anything on abortion or anything of that sort. I haven't really blogged about anything interesting and I'd LIKE to find something interesting. Meh I haven't really been working on my goals lately. I just forgot about them entirely. I'm not entirely sure whether or not I've been working on choppy sentences but I believe that it is improving. I have noticed that like eighty precent of my blogs are about Obama and things like that. My blogs are kind of rushed and i don't actually think about it very much. I know that Sutherland told us that we should find a reason instead of just going through the motions but its just a habit. I would like to change my goals from like vocabulary and such into more detailed explanations/ responses and that kind of stuff. (Hopefully) Anoher thought just came to me. All my blogs are just so random and different topics. So sticking to more related topics will be one of my goals this time around.

 I know that like all of my blogs suck since I don't put any kind of time or effort into since I write them at the last minute. These topics don't even actually interest me that much. I just write about them since i procrastinate and then write it at like eleven. That's.... all..

Friday, October 30, 2009

Global Pollution

     Well, in History with O' Malley, I'm writing this research paper. Its supposed to be four to six pages long. I chose the subject of water pollution since it seems pretty fascinating. Well, we've spent like a month in the computer labs doing research and stuff like that. We have to do these steps for our research paper or Mr. O' Malley won't accept our final draft and fail us. There's like eight steps and right now I'm on like step seven, the rough draft. I haven't even started to think about writing the rough draft. I hope I can concentrate enough to write some of it everyday so that I won't have to stay up until like four in the morning Monday morning finishing it. -.-. I'm not really worried that much about my research paper, but like I hope that I can get this thing done and over with. Now that I've just like talked about what I'm working on. I'll tell you some stuff I learned or find interesting about my topic and vent my anger and such I guess.

     So water pollution is any foreign substances or objects being put into water sources. The biggest contributor to water pollution is us humans of course. We are so irresponsible, creating plastics and glass which can't decompose fast. We haven't taken any big steps to solving this problem or any other environment type problems.
     I think that we should be focusing on environmental problems and keeping animal and plant species from dieing out. Water pollution doesn't have to be such an issue if we actually paid any attention to it. Once in class, we watched a video about a gigantic island of trash made of plastic. Not many people even knows about it. That's all i have to say.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

October 14, 2009 Spanish

      So I can't really think of anything to write about right now. My mind is like...bleh. So I think I'll just write things about Spanish. So I have Spanish with Ms.Castro or however you spell her name. She's Ok, but like in the middle when it comes to niceness. I had a Spanish teacher in eighth grade who was sooo nice. She was probably nicer than like all the French teachers together. Her name was Ms.Canfield and she never called on you unless you raised your hand. It was like, my favorite class ever. But now, in Spanish 3, I get so nervous. I hate getting called on since I don't remember shit from the previous years. (XD) 

     I have Spanish three days in a row which is pretty depressing since two of those days, I have like an hour and a half. The time go by sooooo sloowwwww in that class. Everytime i look up at the clock, the minute hand like dsappears or something. Yesterday, the teacher called on me and I thought i got it right. Then she was like, don't you understand me? I was like uhhm. noo.... The class sort of  laughed and then I finally found out what she was saying. She was telling me to conjugate obtain and i was like ohhhhh... wth. the rest of the day went by pretty quickly. I hate events like this where I don't know what the hell the teacher is saying and then I just look at her and shes like, looking back without saying anything. I think this only happens in Spanish since all my other classes, we speak in English. I just don't understand why like all the teachers expect us to remember everything that we've learned from the past  two years of our lives and then automatically pull it out. I mean there's like a two month gap between the end of last year and the start of this year. I can't remember anything from last year. And no. im not going to sacrifice my break after like six months of school. I dont think I can concentrate long enough to study every day of the summer anyways.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Vietnam's Toxic Problem

          I recently read about a article pertaining to Da Nang and the Vietnam war. Apparently, the U.S government sprayed something toxic into the air. The agent that the U.S military sprayed is called "Agent Orange" which is basically an herbicide containing dioxin, which is basically one of the world's most  toxic pollutants. After the war, the United States and Vietnam have been debating who was responsible for the deployment of Agent Orange. The reason we are still fighting over this problem is because Agent Orange is still affecting people today. Luu Thi Nguyen, mother of a young daughter as cursed with the ill-effects of Orange. Her child has been infected by Agent Orange, even though neither she or her husband was affected. So this isn't just contact with the herbicide that kills you, it's also being passed on genetically. Like all confused, and scared people, Nguyen isn't blaming anyone , she just wants this to be cleaned up. The U.S finally takes action and tests the soil around Da Nang's airport. The results were astounding. There was more than a hundred times as much dioxin in the soil than the standards. After testing the soil, the U.S finally sees the error and plans to give Vietnam three hundred thousand dollars out of a sixty million dollar project. Although our government is reluctant to own up to this problem, Vietnam may not need our help anymore. Recent studies have shown that Vietnam's economy is growing rapidly. But even though the Vietnamese government knows about the toxic pollutant, they aren't checking which areas are affected. This lack of communication is the reason why the herbicide is still killing people. I think that the main reason that people are still being exposed to this deadly toxin is because the government hasn't really made any kind of effort in warning the public. Like I stated before, Luu Thi Nguyen and her husband gave life to an Agent Orange victim. The reason? Simple. They had eaten dioxin riddled fish. Not only should the U.S take responsibility, they should create a program to gradually rid infected land. A join operation with the Vietnamese government which will save thousands of lives.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Obama's Defensive Plan


   Today, Obama discussed the issue of protecting of American soil. He announced that he no longer supported the long-ranged missiles which were to be situated in Poland and the Czech Republic. Instead, Obama proposed a new strategy in defending our homeland. The president reasoned that a short-range missile defense system, consisting of land and sea based censors and interceptors would be more helpful. The reason that Obama is replacing the old version of our defense system is mainly to defend against possible missiles from Iran. He believes that by placing interceptors closer would be less expensive, and prove to be better defense than a long-ranged system. The proposed long-range missile defense system was part of the Bush-era, which Russia strongly disagreed to. Former president Bush's plan received strong support from the government of the potential host countries. A survey showed otherwise, seventy percent of citizens living in Czech and Poland opposed his plan. Obama's new plan includes three stages. First, the Pentagon will deploy Navy Aegis ships equipped with SM-3 interceptors with sensors will give the military the ability to defend our infrastructure. After deploying into the sea, the next step is to upgrade existing SM-3's in allied countries with SM-3 Block 1B with airborne sensors which, in turn will increase the area covered threefold. The last phase of Obama's plan is to upgrade a more advanced system of the SM-3 (called the SM-3 Block 2) will supposedly cover the "entire land mass of Europe." Of course it also includes the United States.

     Obama's new plan for a better, yet more economically sound missile system we be great since, other countries are against Bush's plan.  President Obama is clearly trying to adapt to the current economy, while still being able to create a much more effective system. Besides that, he also takes into account, what the people have to say about his plans and tries input all their opinions into this matter. Separating this process into three parts is very smart so if we build  a little of the defense system, and some problems come up we won't be wasting more resources than needed

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Purpose of this Blog

Well, I have a lot of things i might write about. There's food, gaming, and politics. Issues such as the economy, abortion, and the environment may also find their way onto my blog. Politics isn't really my thing since I never pay attention to it, but certain events may pique my interests and I may write about it. I have the same feelings about food too. Sometimes, when I may write my views on abortion (maybe). My main focus write now would probably be on the environment, games, and technology. Some of my posts may be pretty random, it all depends on the news and such.

There is another purpose to blogging. I want to improve my writing by sticking to one tense, and expanding my vocaublary. The flow of my sentences are a bit choppy so I'd like to work a bit on this problem.