Friday, October 14, 2011

[CE] Abortion

The number of abortions per 1,000 women between the ages of 15 and 44 fell from 29.1 in 1981 to 19.6 in 2008.
Despite the drop in the rate of procedures, Stinson said abortion rights remain under attack. She said she'll be happy if her words Wednesday encourage others to step up and fight for those rights.

     To me the answer to the issue of abortion is very clear. Abortion should be legal everywhere in the United States.  It is up to the woman to decide whether or not she wants to keep the embryo, or get rid of it. I think that Stinson was very brave for speaking out about her experience. Not only because it was a deeply personal experience from her life, but also because of all the hardcore anti abortionists out there. The people who argue that it is inhumane to kill embryos, to destroy a human life. Yet they themselves murdered an abortion doctor. There is no point in not letting women have abortions. They obviously have a reason for doing it. Would it be better if the mother had the baby, but she couldn’t afford to take care of them both?  Or maybe a young lady can’t have the baby because she wants to further her education so that she can then provide more for her children in the future. I don’t see why anti-abortionists say that it is inhumane to have an abortion. They aren’t the ones carrying the baby, they aren’t in that person’s situation. They don’t know what problems that person may be facing.

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