Wednesday, October 19, 2011


     Every student goes into high school with a universal goal: to get good enough grades to go their college of choice. As the years go on, some of those visions start fading away when reality sinks in. Things don't go the way they want to and they have to start thinking of alternative routes.-France

     I have to admit, when I entered high school all I really had in my mind was that I would go through the motion as I always did and then go to the college of my choice. I didn’t even know what colleges there were or which one I wanted to attend. I didn’t really even have an idea of what I would have to do, what I needed. I didn’t even know what kind of grades I needed to get into college. I guess I was just in a dreamy state of mind until senior year when all the college, graduating, and applications crashed down on me. That’s when reality started sinking in. I hated myself for not being more studious. I hated that I didn’t really give a shit about grades before and now it’s come back to haunt me. I have a horrible G.P.A., I don’t even know how I'm doing all these applications and stuff. The best that I'm hoping for is that I get into a CSU. I am just so unprepared. All life I just had this picture of going to a UC but I didn't work hard enough for it. I just wish I knew more about it and that I was more prepared like others. AIOJAOIWDJLAKEWAEWLAKEWHALWKJEHAKLDHASKLD #Frustration

1 comment:

  1. I'm replyyyinggg
