Friday, October 14, 2011

[RE] Racism

If a white man was in the situation as Grant, I think the same ending would have happened. Just like in the whole Occupy Wall Street protests, people of color always want to be the victims. Stop being the victims!
Seriously, when will they stop? No offense but black people just do not know when to stop asking for sympathy.- Andrew Zhao

     In response to Andrew, I don’t really know what he means by “If a white man was in the situation as Grant, I think the same ending would have happened.” If by ending he means that anyone in Oscar Grant’s position, whether they were white, black, yellow, purple, rainbow, would have been shot, then I agree with him entirely. On the other hand, if Andrew was talking about how all the hate and protests would have happened the same way if somebody white was shot, then I would disagree. I don’t think as many people pay attention when a “white man” kills another ”white man”, but if a black man gets killed by a white man, then everything goes to hell. My opinion is that this reaction comes from how African –Americans were brought over to the Americas as slaves and treated inhumanely.  I don’t think many people have really gotten over the fact that what happened in the past has nearly been abolished. I kind of have to agree that people, especially blacks (mostly because African-Americans appear in the news most often under the topic of racism) tend to start things and make things bigger than it really is. I don't necessarily believe that they want to be victims, but that they are using racism and the fact that they are black to complain and get pissed off.  I also don't think that anyone is looking for any sympathy. Like I said before, it seems like people just get angry and want to yell and talk about how they must fight back against the hate  and discrimination.

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