Friday, October 14, 2011


            I'm not really in the mood right now to write so I'm using something I wrote randomly when I was thinking about it.              
           The most important lesson you can and should learn is how to move on with your life when something bad happens. Whether it be the death of a family member, a bad grade on a test or maybe an altercation with friends. In this world, our world, it is a given fact that at one point in everyone's lives, something horrible happens. It doesn't matter who you are, where you are. It is as inevitable as death.  A horrible event may happen in your lifetime once, twice or more. That is why learning to move on with your life is the most important lesson you could ever learn in life. If you never learned to forget, then it would be impossible for you to accomplish anything. If people were stuck up on all the problems they had, the human race would not progress. I don't believe that anything today would be possible if we weren't able to continue on with our lives. It's like a survival technique. Animals evolved better equipped to handle the dangers in the wild to survive. The same thing goes for us, except we have to adapt mentally to handle what life throws at us. If we cannot handle that, we cannot survive in this world.
            I cannot stress this enough, learning how to move on with your life during times of hardship is the most important skill, trait, lesson, and whatever else you want to call it. Today we face so many horrible things. The environment is changing, bigger and more earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, hurricanes, and all other natural disasters. As our world changes, so must we. As earthquakes get stronger and cause more destruction, we must learn to continue on with our lives. As things get more chaotic, terrorists, war, death. The only thing we can ever really do in these situations is to hope, stay strong, help others, and continue to live and strive. There really is no way to "learn" how to move on, it's just something that kind of becomes a part of you, in your mind. You just learn to deal with things, learn to deal with the monsters in the closet, under the bed, outside your window.

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