Wednesday, October 19, 2011

[CE] Protected Marine Areas

     People from the Coastside Fishing Club filed a petition against some laws that protected marine life in certain areas. This group of people was mostly fishermen who argued that the Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) should not have been imposed. They said that the MPAs worsened the economic situation that the fishermen were in. Nevertheless the judge who presided struck down the petition. The people from the Coastside Fishing Club had the lamest arguments. They said that the laws imposed economic hardships on fishermen, particularly in the northern part of the region. If the fishermen had financial problems, they could petition, not the club. The club was just a bunch of recreational anglers.
     I don’t think that any petition regarding Marine Protected Areas should be passed. Marine life has already been destroyed enough. All the waste we dump into the ocean and all the oil we’ve spilled have already taken a toll on everything that calls the ocean home. In addition to all the toxins and trash we’ve carelessly thrown into the ocean, people have a crazy addiction to sushi, increasing the amount of fishing. Overfishing has already depleted so much of our marine life that if these Marine Protected Areas were to be lifted, then we will not have any sushi to eat. In fact, I think that there should be more protected areas so that we can balance out the situation. The fish that we catch and eat cannot reproduce fast enough to keep the population up. If we don’t do something about it, they will die out and then we will lose another resource to our greed.

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