Friday, October 14, 2011

Going For The Look

      I completely agree with Cohen's argument that as our world progresses, our tastes in certain things also change. As society becomes more “refined”, people become pickier about things. Especially today where most people fear the judgment of others. Teenagers are especially susceptible. They worry about how they look, and how they act in front of friends, family members, and coworkers. Mass media doesn’t help to alleviate this problem either. With celebrities and athletes promoting certain clothes or brands. The world has become a more competitive place and will continue to grow more competitive as the worlds’ population keeps growing and changing.
     The way we humans act and think has caused us to become fearful of the judgment of others. Society has made it so that we feel the need to act a certain way in front of certain people. Going in for a job interview, it is expected that the applicant should have a business-like attitude. On the other hand, hanging out with friends has a more friendly and relaxed attitude. This fear of being judged causes us to keep up our knowledge on the latest trends and what is in style. To keep up with the latest types of clothing and accessories that are deemed “cool” and “fashionable”. If you don’t wear a certain brand, or if you don’t have a specific type of style, people will judge you based on that.
     Advertisements also play an important role in our lives. The way something is portrayed or the person behind the product gives the consumers something to consider. It makes them think “If that athlete says I should use that weight training system because he looks really fit.” These types of advertisements give a false idea of what that product does. Most often than not, advertisements use famous people or something that the majority of the people they are trying to sell their product to knows. Football players are hired to promote sports related items because of their athleticism. The same thing goes for the hiring of people in clothing stores based on their “looks”. The companies are trying to send out a message to people walking by that their clothes give off a certain kind of idea to others. The only difference between an advertisement and hiring in a store is that anyone qualified for the job could complain about discrimination while the people behind the advertisements are not as likely to be taken to court. Retailers are just utilizing the best way to bring in sales. It's all about the money, companies want to give their possible consumers an image of what they could be like. Hiring these good looking workers also attracts customers. Some may even be able coerce someone into buying something.

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