Thursday, September 29, 2011


     I hate how the people can be so unhappy. The police are supposed to protect us, the citizens,  and they do, but I hate how some people can blame the police officers for one incident. It's like the police protect us for ten years without any major incident, some officers will get killed doing their duty, but one mistake and all these people swoop in and start complaining. I understand that killing someone isn't just "an incident", but I mean the details are sketchy and we all know that you should never trust humans, because "In the end, we're all human, and you can get two people who see the same event differently." The police officer who shot Oscar Grant might have shot him on purpose, or maybe it was an accident. Maybe Oscar Grant didn't do anything to provoke the officer, or maybe he did. It just seems kind of stupid to push something so far that we need to add more measures to make sure the facts are straight.
     The problem is if the BART police start wearing video cameras, there will still be all these problems. We are in a deficit  right now. How can we afford to buy cameras for all these officers? Another issue would be that people would probably come out and start complaining about how the police officers are "videotaping them without their consent", or "it's an invasion of my privacy". People will always find something to complain about. I don't think the video cameras would solve anything at all.

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