Friday, September 23, 2011

[RE] Unexpected

Think you know everything about someone? Think again; people will surprise you. There are so many possible things that can occur during someone’s lifetime. We do not know everything about this person; we only know what this person chooses to tell us. -Brenda Trieu     
I agree that it is very difficult to know everything about someone. No matter whom it is, whether it’s your parents, your best friend or your lover. Like one of my favorite actors, Hugh Laurie said, everyone lies. It’s just the way we are as humans. It is a part of us, we can never stop lying and we cannot not lie.
                A person may be very outspoken, very comfortable talking about everything and anything, but they will lie sooner or later. There are just some things that you never ever want to talk about. We are humans, every human, no matter who or where they are have their faults.  
I basically agree with everything Andrew Zhao said. It is surprising that although our species is very social, we can still lie and keep secrets from one another. I cannot imagine a world where people don't lie or have no secrets. Just try imagining that, an alternate universe where everyone tells the truth, and has no secrets. There probably wouldn't be any sort of weapons at all, well "secret armaments" or "nuclear threats". There would be no secret service, no mysteries at all. Everything would be different from our world. Politicians would not be as convincing or powerful and I don't know if the world would be more peaceful without lies and secrets or more chaotic.

1 comment:

  1. AHHHH House, M.D. Love that man. Have you seen a bit of Fry and Laurie? you should watch it.
